Works orders are formal instructions that can in turn be assigned to an external party such as a supplier. Work orders may be issued by the customer directly or may be generated via an intermediary system such as a computerised maintenance management system (CMMS).
What information is included in a works order?
The works order should ideally include all the information required to complete the necessary works. This will typically include:
- The asset: what is the equipment or building fabric that has the issue
- The location of the asset: for example the address, floor number, sub-location etc.
- The nature of the issue
- The works that are to be carried out
- The date/time at which the works will be carried out
- Any relevant health and safety issues (for example difficult access)
- Priority level
- Requesting party
The life cycle of a works order
A works order will typically go through a number of stages during its journey from being raised to being closed. Below is a typical works order life cycle.

Why are works orders important?
Works orders, and the efficient management thereof are critical to the smooth operation of sites and the responsive handling of maintenance tasks.
Before the development of computerised maintenance management systems (CMMS) and integrated workplace management systems (IWMS) - for a refresher on the difference, check out this article What is the difference between CAFM, CMMS and IWMS? - facilities managers would often use pen and paper, and then spreadsheets to organise maintenance.
Now, with systems such as Cleverly, maintenance tasks can be raised, scheduled, prioritised, assigned and documented all within the same system. Once works orders have been completed, they can then be analysed to gain insight into cost savings or opportunities for efficiency.